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The next gathering was hosted by Dell and Jo on September 13-16, 2016. Hope you attended.
No web page recorded the events but everyone had a great time!

Three ATO couples lived the high life for a week in a luxury condo on St. Simons Island.

The Grand Inside Condo
View of "The Grand" from our balcony. Inside. Forrest and Bucky during a rare "quiet" time.
Lighthouse GuitarMan
There are some interesting sites to visit on St. Simons. But what ATOs do best is PARTY.
Dining Dining Dining
Did we hit every great place to eat on St. Simons? Probably not but we sure tried.
Pat Shivers The Girls
Pat thought one restaurant was colder than Pittsburgh. The ladies out on their own (just kidding).
Del, Forrest, Bucky Pat
Of course, we had to be outside some of the time to soak up the rays.

Thanks to Bucky and Susan for arranging this great week.   Many thanks to Del and Jo for the pictures. Great job.

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